File Management
UI Components

Files Management UI Components


Before you can use these UI Components, please do the basic setup.



The <FileUpload/> component represents a button which opens a file selector and starts uploads. Please refer to the files feature guide for more information and instructions. You can see this component in action on Storybook (opens in a new tab).




This component can be used in various ways. A good way to learn about it, is to look into the implementation of the Kickstarter: /src/components/file/upload-file.tsx (opens in a new tab)

You can easily add the <FileUpload/> component to your application by adding this code snippet to your component:

    onUploadSuccess={({url, id,}) => {
        console.log({id, url});
        // optional: send file ID to server-side by calling your API 

Success handler

After the file was uploaded, the onUploadSuccess handler is called. This way you can send the file ID to your backend application, which is required in one of these cases:

  • you want to relate the file to another object
  • you want to change the visibility of the file (e.g. from "public" to "private").

Read more about these concepts in the tutorials section.


The <FileUpload/> component has multiple props:

acceptstring[]List of mime-types that the drop zone should supportAll
fileCategorystringFile category key defined in the console
onUploadFailfunctionCallback, invoked when upload gets failed
onUploadSuccessfunctionCallback, invoked when upload gets successful



The <FileDropzone/> component represents an area on your application where users can drag and drop files to be uploaded. Please refer to the files feature guide for more information and instructions. See this component in action on Storybook (opens in a new tab).



You can easily add the <FileDropzone/> component to your application by using this code:



The props of the <FileDropzone/> component are the same as for <FileUpload/>.



The <FileActiveUploads/> component shows a progress bar of all active files uploads. Users can abort and restart uploads. This component is typically shown on the bottom right corner of your application but you can place it wherever you like.


See this component in action on Storybook (opens in a new tab).


To add the <FileActiveUploads/> component to your application, you can use the following code:

    onCancel={function noRefCheck() {
    onRestart={function noRefCheck() {


filesarrayList of files that are currently uploaded. Each file is represented as an object, see below.[]
files.abortControllerAbortControllerInstance of Abort controller object that allows you to abort one or more DOM requests as and when desired.undefined
nameStringName of the file
percentageNumberFile percentage which was uploaded
sizeNumberSize of file in bytes
statusActiveUploadStatusEnumStatus of the fileUPLOADING
temporaryIdStringUnique Identifier for the files list
uploadUrlStringUpload URL, to upload file
onCancelfunctionCallback function which is triggered when User Clicks on Cancel (X) Icon, contains logic on how to cancel file upload
onRestartfunctionCallback function which is triggered when User Clicks on restart Icon, contains logic on how to restart file upload